+ 3
Python is fairly popular for pentesting. Starch Press has two books out called Grey Hat Python and Black Hat Python. They're a little old though. If you want to get them, the Humble Bundle is currently selling them(for the next week or so) along with some other great python books. C and Assembly are useful too. They can help you dive into the guts of something.
6th Apr 2017, 4:03 AM
Trevor Brick
Trevor Brick - avatar
+ 2
You can use Assembly language,Machine code and C for hacking.You should go deep into C but I suggest you to learn machine code.if you will learn it would be very useful and you can hack any device,website,web browser or any operating system very easily but it is very hard to learn even for the most experienced programmer.
6th Apr 2017, 4:56 AM
pranay babi
pranay babi - avatar
+ 1
thanks buddy it will be helpful
6th Apr 2017, 4:36 AM
Raqesh More
Raqesh More - avatar
+ 1
hiiii friend good to see you again friend I haven't a PC or lapy can l learn langauge more easy using my sololern ACC. Friend pllz Suggest me
12th Nov 2017, 12:22 PM
Raqesh More
Raqesh More - avatar