Is the programming language, html or Javascript better when creating a game like roblox?

Trying to make a game of my own.

5th May 2023, 2:55 AM
M1CK3Y - avatar
14 Answers
+ 1
MickeyAnif These languages have completely different purposes. It's not possible to compare them.
5th May 2023, 3:25 AM
Emerson Prado
Emerson Prado - avatar
+ 3
Both are not programming language
5th May 2023, 3:08 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 2
Just Google it
5th May 2023, 3:10 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 2
to make a game like Roblox, you'll need to learn the hard languages; Roblox itself was written in C++, Unreal also uses C++, and Unity uses C#. To make a much, much simpler game, you can use JavaScript, especially if you want the game to be played in a web browser. But if you want to seriously pursue game making, you'll need to learn at least one language from the C family.
5th May 2023, 5:46 AM
Orin Cook
Orin Cook - avatar
+ 1
True Mirielle wasm is the key but well Donovan Holzhausen-McCarrick well just google fot html 5 game engine. Please stop giving out false informations … all brwoser relevant worls with html also if you just code in js … There we have Three.js, phaser, pixi.js, babylon.js And if you just look at the games which build with you can see in the brwoser webdevtools: much html
5th May 2023, 3:46 PM
S3R43o3 - avatar
Then what are they?
5th May 2023, 3:09 AM
M1CK3Y - avatar
Oh okay, thank you!
5th May 2023, 3:27 AM
M1CK3Y - avatar
Well dude html is a markup language and javascript yeah some say it is other say it isnt, i think it is a acciedent 🤔 anyways if you want start gamedev i recomm3nd you to get abit deeper in that coding thing . Your question is a result of not much knowledge at all so no offense as always your welcome! For web Gamedevelopment you will need both js and html and therefor css and maybe sql . Like i said just get a bit deeper in to webdev and start with a website created from your hands. ✌️😉 happy coding. As overall information, most games made in special egines like unity, godot or unreal engine. This software all are written in c++ cause you need lowlvl system access and den speed to do graphics. For gamedev in unity u use C#, godot comes with GDscript a lang like python and unreal comes with c++. Roblox has it own engine as i know and a IDE special for roblox devs. So may you check this if you try to get in.
5th May 2023, 4:56 AM
S3R43o3 - avatar
lol now I wanna see somebody actually try to play any of those, but especially Minecraft, written in JS. You'll get like 1 frame per second. The reason "serious" games are written in C family languages is because they run faster. Some of that is just the price you pay for automatic garbage collection (memory management), but it's even worse with interpreted (non-compiled) languages like JS and Python, because the computer has to translate the code every time. Now, that said, JS is probably perfectly adequate for almost any 2D game you'd want to make (it might have trouble with extreme bullet hells), and as stated it's definitely king of web games simply by virtue of being understood by all browsers out of the box. But it is *not* useable for high-end games. side note, just to preempt any confusion: Minecraft was written in Java, not JavaScript.
5th May 2023, 10:25 AM
Orin Cook
Orin Cook - avatar
HTML is not used for game development. JavaScript can be used, but for a game like Roblox, it's better to use Lua with the Roblox game engine and development platform.
5th May 2023, 1:07 PM
Donovan Holzhausen-McCarrick
Donovan Holzhausen-McCarrick - avatar
Mirielle oh no i dont forget 😁 there are so many ways i didnt want do a full list so well but i think this thread goes far from topic right now
5th May 2023, 4:13 PM
S3R43o3 - avatar
You can't compare html (markup language) to js (programming languages) Cause they serve different purposes and they are also complementary, you use html for structuring your page and make it interactive with js, and you typically wanna use css too, in order to make your page a bit nicer to look at
6th May 2023, 10:01 AM
Ireneo language
if you want a cross-platform game that can run in browser and on PC, also on mobile platforms, use Unity engine
6th May 2023, 12:17 PM
Patrick - avatar
Roblox is not just a single game, but a platform that enables users to create and play various games using Roblox Studio. It utilizes the Roblox LuaU scripting language, which is similar to Lua, and C++ for memory management. Therefore, creating something similar to Roblox would involve designing a game studio or game engine rather than just creating a simple game. However, if your goal is to create a game similar to one that you have seen created with Roblox Studio, you can do so by using Roblox game studio, or any game engine that supports similar features and functionality.
6th May 2023, 8:56 PM
Chris Coder
Chris Coder - avatar