+ 5
High and low level languages
what is the difference between low level programming language and high level programming language ?
4 Antworten
+ 9
A low level language is closer to the hardware
It is simply machine language
It can be converted into the language understandable by the computer without using any interpreter or compiler
It is more efficient than high level language but is difficult to understand
It cannot be portable easily
It occupies less memory
It's perfect example can be
Assembly language
High level programming language needs either an interpreter or compiler
It is portable
It is easy to understand
It is less efficient compared to low level language
It requires more memory
C++,java,python ,.Net,etc are high level languages
+ 5
@Sri Lakshmi’s answer is perfect, but here’s an example:
A Hello World program would take one line in Python, it would take a few simple ones in C++, a few less simple ones in C, and a page full of stuff I hardly understand in Assembly.
+ 2
In General, the lower the level, the more control over the hardware. On the possibilities of the programming language is not affected.
The advantages of low level languages:
1. More control over hardware
2. The smallest possible size of a binary file after compilation
3. Probably the best performance
As can be seen 2 and 3, the advantages of the conditional, but still low-level languages popular today are widely used in industry.
Advantages high-level languages:
1. The higher productivity of the programmer due to the large number of factors: less code, more ready-made solutions (libraries)
2. Lower threshold of entry