Why put double & in c++

example &&

19th Nov 2016, 11:59 AM
Ahmad Dasuki
7 Antworten
+ 1
If a user enters say the number of apples available for sale, and it must be both positive AND is actually an even number, u can use && as a tool to make sure that these two conditions are fulfilled. Look at the code below. If the user enters 1 or 3, the if statement will not run the print (cout ...) line, but if 2, 4, 10, etc, was entered, you will see "wow! 2 apples." Or "wow! 4 apples" etc. This is bcos the number entered is both positive and even. void main() { int num=0; cout << "enter the number of apples avalable: "<< endl; cin >> num; //here we test if input is valid If (num>0)&&(num%2==0) cout <<"wow! " << num << "apples!"<< endl; }
19th Nov 2016, 4:01 PM
Oluwatosin Akinbobuyi
Oluwatosin Akinbobuyi - avatar
Double & or (&&) is c++ syntax for the logical operator "AND". Example: If (1<2)&&(2<3) Cout <<"yes"; This implies: If both sides of the operator && tests as true, then and only then will the output be "yes". And In this case ofcourse the output is "yes"
19th Nov 2016, 12:20 PM
Oluwatosin Akinbobuyi
Oluwatosin Akinbobuyi - avatar
Just so you know: You can't confuse & with && operator. Single & is used as bitwise operator, it works same as "AND" logic gate but only on integer values.
19th Nov 2016, 12:31 PM
Jakub Stasiak
Jakub Stasiak - avatar
can you give more example i dont really understand
19th Nov 2016, 12:41 PM
Ahmad Dasuki
@ahmad int a = 5; int b = 3; int c = a & b; // c equals 1
19th Nov 2016, 1:06 PM
Jakub Stasiak
Jakub Stasiak - avatar
if(i>0&&i<5) it means that "i" must be higher than 0 and lower than 5 at the same time. "if" will start only when these two conditions are true. (opposite of "||") if(i>0||i<5) in this case we are checking if i>0 or i<5, so if one of these conditions is true "if" will start. In this case "if" will be true for every i number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int i=5; if(i>0&&i<5) //It will not work becouse only one "i>0" condition is true. "i<5" is false { cout<<"You can't see me"; } if(i>0&&i<6) //Now both conditions are true { cout<<"It works!"; }
19th Nov 2016, 1:28 PM
Mateusz Antczak
Mateusz Antczak - avatar
& is used to receive the memory address of a variable (which would be called a pointer). An example: int *hi = &52; && is used as the "and" operator. An example: if ((5+5==0) && (2+2=4)) { } 5+5 obviously doesn't equal 0. 2+2 does equal 4. Since it's using &&, it's false. If it was using || which is the OR operator, it'd be true. So, essentially, all statements included with a && operator must be true, otherwise it'll return false for the entire statement.
19th Nov 2016, 2:28 PM
Ben - avatar