+ 18
Python Print Problem
Any ideas why I can't print more than 2 forward slashes in a string before SL seems to treat it like a path? Escaping the forward slashes doesn't fix it. print("a") # => a print("a/b") # => a/b print("a/b/c") # => a/b/c print("a/b/c/d") # => a../Playground/ print("a/b/c/d/e") # => a../Playground/ print("a/b/c\/d\/e") # => a/b/c\/d\/e Edit. It's a Code Playground issue - the code runs as expected on QPython3..Bug reported to SL. https://code.sololearn.com/cRrwlt25B4iu/?ref=app
28 Antworten
+ 7
@David, I tested "a/b/c/d/e" with other programming languages as Java, C#, C, C++, Ruby and PHP. It showed same problem and It run as expected in JavaScript.
+ 15
Qpython Have Some Weird Problems For Example Some Modules That Are Supported As Default Module in Py3.x Aren't Supported In Qpython @David I Recommend You To Use PyDroid 3 You Will Love It It's Amazing
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+ 14
@David Me Too But The Code-Playground Should Be Just A Visual Program Without Showing Any Of It's Code Because That Could Make A Valunabirty Point And That Is Very Very Bad To SoloLearn Especially That Those Are Windows Servers And They Are Easy To Get Penetrated By Unknown Sources So It's Better To Keep It Visual But It's Better If SoloLearn Showed Us The Bugs And UnSupported Modules :)
+ 13
@Davide I Will Try To Find That Library For You
+ 13
@David I Know This Looks A Very Stupid Idea But Try To Download The Sl4a Library From Github On Your Phone Then Move To Your Working Directory And Use Pydroid 3 I Hope This Helps 😊
+ 11
@emmey actually I discovered the problem using "/".join() in this code
to solve this challenge
+ 10
Thanks @emmy I wonder if there is any other way around it.
+ 9
Hi @jay. Since the problem only occurs in the SL Code Playground and since f-string only came in with Python 3.6 and since SL is still using Python 3.5 it may be a while before we find out.
I tried using the str.format() method - see the code link in the question - and that didn't work, so I'm guessing f-string wouldn't either 🤔
+ 8
Thanks @Vincent. It seems we get the same output with 'r'.
+ 8
@Oma when I try it,
gives the same output as
I thought r only worked for Python 2.x
+ 8
Thanks @warlord! I'll check it out 🙂
+ 8
@warlord I tried Pydroid 3 and I love it! The only problem I've come across so far is I can't import androidhelper to embed sl4a.
+ 8
@Ferhat nice digging! It would be interesting to see the Code Playground source code to see why this happens.
+ 7
because its the format for a directory by default. You have to concatenate.
edit: this answer is wrong in code playground.
+ 7
how about using formatted strings
have you tried it?
name = "jay"
print(f"hello {name}")
+ 7
@Jan as far as I can see, just auto-complete Code prediction, auto indentation and real time code analysis
+ 6
This just in:
Thanks for reporting.
We will fix the issue with one of the coming updates.
+ 5
is this happening only in the playground of sololearn ?
+ 4
please try putting an r before the opening ".
This will tell python that it is a raw string.
At least I think so.