Some things i'm unsure about regarding hashes
This is mostly in conjunction with do loops, so i have made a simple program that outputs the frequency of numbers used in a sentence: 1. what's implicitly going on at line 21? i know this line of code iterates through and sorts the array, but what exactly is going on, more specifically with the block that comes after the items and amount indexes are declared? 2. what's going on with the do loops indexes at line 24? i'm assuming that by default, the first value is passed into the hash as a key, whilst the second is passed as an amount. 3. this is more general: i'm generally new to ruby, only started learning it this month; is ruby an implicit language in general: is it's syntax less direct and straightforward when it comes to being able to understand it's associated logic? if that wasn't clear, i'll give an example: "frequencies = frequencies.sort_by {|item, amount| amount }" sorts the array, but isn't nessecarily immediately straightforward in signalling such,