how accumulate fun calculate total of running nos and of which nos
from itertools import accumulate, takewhile nums = list(accumulate(range(8))) print(nums) print(list(takewhile(lambda x: x<= 6, nums))) op: 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28
4 Antworten
+ 2
Assuming fun != party and Nos aren't the opposite of Yeses :) I think the question is:
How (does the) accumulate function calculate (the) running total (of numbers) and (how does it select which numbers to sum) or...what numbers is this example selecting?
Sorry, didn't get the question. Could you rephrase it
accumulate keeps the running total.
range(8) gives: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for each of those, let's keep the running (accumulated) total, showing how it is calculated:
0 0
1 0+1=1
2 1+2=3
3 3+3=6
4 6+4=10
5 10+5=15
6 15+6=21
7 21+7=28
Thank you so much