9 Antworten
+ 2
I checked Thonny editor, VSCode and PyCharm IDE.
PyCharm is powerful but not free.
Tonny is free, very good and useful specially for beginners.
VSCode is free, very useful specially for programmers and it has so many extensions for many computer languages.
So it's up to you and your knowledge ( and your pocket ! ) to choose one of them.
Good luck
PyCharm has a free and open source edition with less features.
+ 13
I think its Thonny editor!!!!
+ 5
A text editor? Use VSCode
+ 1
I dont know what is the best (and i think is relative) but i use PyCharm IDE
+ 1
Thank you all, I will check editors that named and then choose one of them.
+ 1
Hey PyCharm has a powerful FREE comunity edition also https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/features/
+ 1
Yes KrOW, You'r right. I saw free trial of that.
It has a free and open source with less features.
trust that pycharns free comunity edition is powerful and though miss professional edition features, is very good for python programming... but its another discussion if you want multi-language ide
- 1