I'm not understanding it ....
number = 4 num=5 things = ["string", 0, [1, 2, number], [4.56,num],5] print(things[1]) print(things[2][2]) print(things[2]) print(things[3][2])
2 Antworten
+ 2
It prints:
[1, 2, 4]
Python lists are indexed starting with 0, so things[1] is the second member of the list: 0.
Here things[2] is the third element on the list so things[2][2] is the third member of the third member of the array: 'number' which is equal to 4.
As above, things[2] is the third element of the list: [1, 2, 4].
Here things[3][2] is the third element of the fourth element of the list. The fourth element of the list only contains two elements, so this produces are error.
now I got it [3][2] will display the 3rd place num ,in the 3rd place num 2nd place num want to b displayed but I hv not written it . .......tq☺