+ 44
For which type of programs do we need ruby?
31 Antworten
+ 30
It is used in a wide range of fields, but is best known as a language for Web Applications, because of the Ruby on Rails framework. The general purpose nature of Ruby makes it suitable for a wide array of programming tasks, just like Perl, Python and other general purpose languages.
source - online
+ 18
I will add it since nobody has said it yet besides the ROR web framework, Ruby also is used as a scripting language within the Metasploit open-source penetration testing framework. So if your curious about if that new security vulnerability will work on your PC, chances are good someone has written the exploit as a module; so anyone can test their own PC(or others w/ permission). Metasploit(msg) also has a really powerful password cracking capabilities, as well as getting shells on remote systems. Remember 2 hack only w/ consent or you might end up working 4 a government like the US that hates and fears the open mind!
+ 8
Ruby is used for web applications. Specifically within a framework called 'Ruby on Rails' or ROR. ROR has a tagline called'convention over configuration' which means there are some conventional steps that you have to follow and your web app will be up and running within minutes and it will save you from the long coding that is required for web development as rails automatically does it for you. It has plenty of resources online so you would have no problem implementing it.
+ 7
Prithvi Raj:
"Ruby is the Man:
Very emotional creature. Just because they managed to come up with Ruby on Rails, they feel they are superior and need to rule Middle Earth."
+ 4
A friend of mine who is team lead was writing a huge project on Java. After years of work in this way the company decided to rum something new for their plan and for more speed and shorter production terms the team of my friend have to go to ruby. The ruby done same job for the company and they now turn on in another language.
+ 3
For websites
+ 3
mostly web development
+ 2
Ruby is an excellent language.. It's used in code, for website generation like jekyll or even for guis like shoes...
+ 2
For automation of configuration. Apps like puppet.
+ 2
ruby along with rails framework provides feature of metaprogramming,which helps for optimised code for web developement.
+ 2
it's mainly used for web programming but also used along metasploit by Pentesters and Hackers
+ 2
ruby is a most affective language in present time and it is easily solving the gaping problems for different languages
+ 2
best known for web applications
+ 2
Some people uses Ruby for game development, which is suitable for 2D games. Using Visual Ruby or TK (or something) you can create form applications easily.
I guess the real answer is up to you.
+ 2
mainly for rail framework
+ 2
I use it for game development and web development. I'm not to good in game development must of the time I use it for web development
+ 2
Ruby is used in the ROR framework for Web Applications, but ROR is only a framework. Ruby is a powerful general purpose scripting language.
+ 1
actually. ruby on rails framework
+ 1
A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
+ 1