+ 4
Anyone could tell me how the order / sorting of Code Learning?
I'm learning HTML5 and will be CSS, but after I don't know which one have to study? Because the courses in SoloLearn is not order as from Beginner to Higher. Anyone please help me and tell me, How the order / sorting of Code Learning? HTML CSS SQL PHP Java JavaSript jQuery C / C++ C# Python Swift ... Many thanks!
2 Antworten
+ 1
learn javascript(js) after css whivh can be used with html. after that maybe learn php if you want to continue web codes or python/c# for programming languages. its reall all about what your goal is but i hope this helps
Thanks you! I'm learning but I could not imagine which one if first. So I would sort the courses as you recommend:
Thanks for your recommend, I'm still learning.