+ 25
👉Any1 wants to make some more SQL quizzes ?👈
I have seen many posts here about asking for sql quizzes , so i was thinking that it will be gr8 if we all contribute to make some quizzes . //I will email them the post , so that they can use that in future 👉U can post your sql quizzes here //A thread with some questions is already here , but its quite inactive now , I already emailed SL this thread https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/348068/?ref=app 👉take idea from this thread and post your sql quizzes here
10 Antworten
+ 18
👉👉👉like this☺👈👈👈
//I will keep updating it ☺
//👉👉true & false type
//previous 7 ques. in another ans/post link in question
8) unique constraint allows null values
9) there can be more than 1 primary key in a table
//👉👉fill in the blanks type(blanks u can assign)
//previous 7 ques. in another ans/post link in question
8)command to show an existing databases whose name starts with 's'
show databases ____ 's_';
//👉👉 1 word answer type
//previous 1 ques. in anoter ans/post link in question
+ 25
I agree with you @gaurav
Swift and Css also need some quizzes
+ 10
//👉👉true & false type
1) sql statement given below is an example of DDL command
Alter table emp add empid varchar (16) after empno;
2)primary key contraint on a field restrict null values for that field
3)unique constraint on a field does not restricts null value for that field
4) degree refers to number of tuples in a table
5)foreign key is a non-key attribute
6)any arithmetic expression containing a null,always returns null as output
7) join using which identical columns from both the tables is shown once in the result
//natural join
//👉👉fill in the blanks type(blanks u can assign)
1)display records of employee(name,dat_of_retirement) from emp table who are retired
//select name,dat_of_retirement from emp where dat_of_retirement is not null;
2)_______ is pool of valid values from which columns derives their values
3)display all records of table school where class is not 12
//select * from school where class <> 12;
4)display names of students of class 12 , section a2 from school table where name has character "r" at forth position
//select name from school where class=12 && section ="a2" && name like "_ _ _ r%";
5)increase price of fruits by 20% in fruits table where fruit_name is apple,papaya
//update fruits set price=1.2*price where fruit_name in ("apple","papaya");
6)to display total number of students of 12 got selected in an exam from table exam_winners
//select count (*) from exam_winners where class=12;
7)display names of employee with same department from emp table
//select count (*),department from emp group by department;
//👉👉 1 word answer type
1)department table have 2 columns,5 rows and emp table have 3 rows ,4 columns . how many rows and columns will be produced in output if we take cartesian product of these two tables
//15 rows and 6 columns
+ 7
I have data full of quizzes based on sql. 😋
+ 4
Very exciting.. I'll surely start learning SQL and submit the quizzes as soon as possible !!
+ 4
wow great thought Gaurav sadly I'm noob at sql,ill read the course and get back later
+ 3
Yes I want SQL quizzes along new Html quizzes and Css
+ 2
yes I want🤗