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+ 4
To connect python with a database you need it's connector.
For example let's take MySQL, if you go to their site you will find various connector for Python, Java and much more (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
First of all if you want MySQL, you must install it, there are various tutorials out there on Google so simply search for it.
After you must import it in your script, to do so just simply write:
import MySQLdb #this will import the module #needed to connect python to your db
database = MySQLdb.connect(
host="localhost", #this is your host
user="yourUsername", #the username of your
#MySQL account
passwd="yourPassword", #your password
db="yourDbName" #name of your database)
my_cursor = database.cursor()#cursor obj needed
#to execute your queries
my_cursor.execute("YOUR QUERY GOES HERE")
#execute your queries
database.close()#ALWAYS close your db
I didn't had much space to explain everything but I hope it is clear for you and everybody else.