+ 101
Which programming language is used to create Facebook?
40 Antworten
+ 40
PHP is used for the front-end, Erlang is used for Chat, Java and C++ are also used in several places (and perhaps other languages as well). Thrift is an internally developed cross-language framework that ties all of these different languages together, making it possible for them to talk to each other
+ 25
many languages, but php was used the most
+ 17
This is information I found in web....
Initially, the whole code for facebook was written in PHP by Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskowitz. It is used for the front-end along with Javascript. PHP was a good choice as it is an open script acting like glue to HTML front-end and C++application logic back-end.
PHP, being a scripting language, is relatively slow when compared to code that runs natively on a server. HipHop converts PHP into C++ code which can then be compiled for better performance.
At the back-end, they use C, C++, Java and Python. Proxygen is a high performance C++ HTTP framework. It is a collection of C++ HTTP libraries, including an easy-to-use HTTP server.
Erlang is used to power the backend of chat service, handling more than 700 million active users. Facebook Chat system is running on ejabberd based server.
however it used over 20 million coding lines........
+ 9
php is used to create fb
+ 6
react native for mobile app
+ 6
php mostly.
+ 5
Facebook have moved Thier mobile app to React and React Native
+ 5
php because it builds with php and other programing language
+ 4
Use this website and get details information available
+ 4
Mostly Depend on PHP
+ 4
Erlang is at the heart of facebook... PHP is its brain... and rest others are the body parts...
+ 2
+ 2
mostly php and MySQL
+ 2
everyone is saying it and of course without PHP, we can't have social media
+ 2
OMG! 😲
The code behind Facebook has been more complex than I thought. 😦
I have always thought that PHP is not way too important.
☝ My worst mistake.
+ 2
Not your vanilla php people keep saying that it was industry standard php that was used mixed with other languages EZP
+ 1
php and perl used most
+ 1
+ 1