+ 6
How can I know after my website published online?How can I search my website?
15 Antworten
+ 15
If you add your website to google webmaster tools. Then search in google like
if it say nothing. Then wait for 24 hour or just increase the crawl rate. Add your sitemap to google for fast indexing. Hope it helps
+ 13
actually your website will be in search results if you search it but to get in ranking of your page you have add description of your page you can use many elements meta elements <meta > are used for this now whenever someone will search the keywords your page will be shown at higher rank. after that it may depend on various criteria search has
+ 3
Try registering your website to different search engines. This will help you find your website faster when you type in to search its domain name on different browser searches.
+ 3
if u want to know your site is online.....
type your domain name or IP in address bar of browser.....
Using SEO u can increase your search engine ranking.
there r many videos and blogs about SEO.
+ 2
add your website to google webmaster
+ 2
Update your site or web page details on Google by Google webmaster tool and just wait for at least 10 to 12 once your site went through Google crawling you will be able to see that in Google search results
+ 1
just Google the name of you website
+ 1
You can also manually ask your google for your sites indexation. But wabmaster tools keeps being the best way. (I'd also recommend google analytics for a broader view of your traffic)
You can search in google " site:yoursite "
+ 1
type your domain in the address bar... ie.
+ 1
for clarification: you won't find a new website you just uploaded by Google Search or any other search engine. it takes maybe a week as you have to do some search engine optimization (SEO) and wait for web crawlers to index you website
+ 1
Thank u everyone for each answer :-) . Have a nice learning!
+ 1
the only thing that
By using srarch engin or through url of yr site
just put your website name in Google
Have you made your own website? You need to buy a domain and hosting. After that you'll need to point your server dns to the domain I believe.