How to insert a reward point system?
I want to add reward point system by using html.. so how can I do that?
1 Antwort
This sort of reward point system is a bit more possible using DOM within Javascript. It allows you to manipulate various html elements. You can insert js into your html with the <script> tag. To make this work, you'll want something that looks like this:
<div id='score'> <!--Create div to later reference in js-->
<p id='store'>Score: 0</p> <!--Your current score-->
<p id='place'></p>
<button onclick='addScore();'>Click to add to score</button>
//Begin javascript
var totalScore = 0; //Your current score
var parent = document.getElementById("score"); //Gets the div the score will be kept in
var newChild;
var child;
function addScore() {
totalScore += 1; //Add to total score
var para = document.createElement("p"); //Create new paragraph
var node = document.createTextNode("Score: " + totalScore); //Create text for p
para.appendChild(node); //Attach text to p
if (document.getElementById('store')) {
parent.removeChild(document.getElementById('store')); //Remove current score count
if (newChild) {
parent.removeChild(newChild); //Remove last score
newChild = parent.insertBefore(para,document.getElementById('place')); //Get new score
I have the fully functional script available on the code playground under the name "Point Add Test" if you want to save it and mess with it.