Answer the out put with your input

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ // YOU can RUN this CODE through you compiler string a,b,c,d,e;char x ; a="ONE PUNCH MAN&&OVERLORD"; b="OnePunchMan||OVERLORD"; c="OnePunchMan||(!OVERLORD)"; d="Overlord&&(!OnePunchMan)"; e="!(OVERLORD&&ONE PUNCH MAN)"; cin>>x; switch(x){ case 'a':cout<<5;break; case 'b': cout<<4;break; case 'c': cout<<3;break; case 'd': cout<<2;break; case 'e': cout<<0;break; default:cout<<"choose one of those alphabets"; } return 0;} //You can run this code though

6th Apr 2018, 3:28 PM
1 Antwort
no it won't run here you need to remove .h first and there is no ; after return 0
6th Apr 2018, 3:57 PM
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