Why the JS is the best language
Idon't now
10 Antworten
+ 3
limited functionality. it is the best at what it does, but given other tasks, no
+ 2
There is no best language. That's a bit like saying "What's the best tool?". Hammer, drill?
A drill is awful at hitting in nails, but it's the best tool for drilling holes ☺
+ 2
javascript is pretty flawed when it comes to a lot of things, but currently there is no better alternative to it when it comes to what it does
+ 1
it's not
Why no ?
Ok thank you bro,
Ash and Xan thanks
see this as a sample of javascript
No such thing as the best, but a good language to learn because you can start off really easy and then progress to very advanced
-Accommodates both Objects and Functional Programming styles.
-Ecmacript6 (ES6) has some really good expressive ways of making clean code.
You can code for all platforms, frontend , backend and Mobile.
There are plenty of resources
and Web and graphics is fun.
Thanks for all