How to put a dictionary in C++, and more?
-including swapping adjacent characters in a word, -inserting a single character in between two adjacent characters in a word, -deleting a single character from a word, and -replacing a character in a word with another character
8 Antworten
+ 1
Object called Word, that has an internal private data structure that is a String, representing a word.
Then public methods that do what you want to the word, declared something like this:
bool swapAdjacentCharacters(int letterIndex)
bool insertCharacterBetweenAdjacentCharacter(int letterIndex, char characterToInsert)
Does that give you enough to get on with?
+ 1
Thank you, would it make a difference if I use void instead of bool?
+ 1
I'd do
#include <array>
array<string, 10> HashTable;
Try to avoid handcrafted data structures and raw pointers.
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And don't use namespace std in a header file because you force everybody who includes it to use it, too.
void is fine. Bool was just so if the function failed, it could return false.
This is to improve error checking. Example, if word is a single character "a" or "I", functions will fail. If index specified is bigger than the word length,.etc. You should probably capture errors.
Should I use a data type char, or string when I'm declaring a variable to represent words?
String, as there are more things you can do to a string, and it's less prone to pointer problems.
This is my header file so far:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifndef SPELL_H
#define SPELL_H
class spellchecker {
static const int tableSize = 10;
struct item {
string W;
item* next;
int Spellchecks(string s);
bool Insert(string W);
bool swapAdjChar();
void SpellCheck();
void Remove();
#endif /*SPELL_H*/