+ 4
Give me the login with facebook program if anyone tried it in php.
7 Antworten
+ 6
Facebook uses OAuth on php.
+ 4
Feel free to look through the facebook docs and examples. You may need to sign up as a developer first.
For websites it's usually done using JavaScript.
+ 4
so what should I do to get the new mister password input code
+ 3
excuse all mister, i need code to enter new password in facebook, please that can share for me. thanks, sorry i am newcomer
+ 3
thanks mister enlightenment from mister, i am confused how to run js what i do again? so i can integrate fb login and get user data from fb using js, here i mean is take over fb account of others from password forgot button then i can go into that account. please help mister for me or there is another way for this.
+ 2
Mr A
It's not possible to change facebook password through API because OAuth 2.0 protocol
First you have to get appid from facebook developers then you can integrate fb login and get data of user from fb using js and save in sql using php