+ 8
With which other programming languages can we combine SQL and for what?
6 Antworten
+ 7
Well almost any general purpose language has some kind of database bindings so you can use those that do to perform SQL queries on a database.
+ 7
I'm not quite done with it yet, but I'm doing some cryptoanalysis in Javascript.
I've embedded the AlaSQL engine because queries are easier and more clear than a bunch of javascript.
For example, a list of palindromes by popping off to embedded SQL from javascript:
// Setup
var adb, num_created, sql, result;
adb = new alasql.Database();
alasql.fn.REVERSE = function(s) { return s.split('').reverse().join(''); }
num_created = adb.exec("CREATE table dictionary (id INT autoincrement, word STRING);");
// Load the database dictionary...(not shown)
// Prepare palindrome query (assume case-insensitive / indexing)
sql = "SELECT id from dictionary d where EXISTS (SELECT word from dictionary d2 WHERE d2.word = REVERSE(d.word));";
// This is the entire list, in one query.
result = adb.exec(sql);
+ 4
wit s depending. on what you want. to make. if you want. to create. web site. you can combinated with php or if it s an appsyou well need. java or c# to creat interface. for your apps
+ 4
Almost any. For Database connectivity. I'm learning to use it with PHP.
+ 3
depends what you mean by combine. for how we use it we use Stored Procedures to do the work while the front end is in .Net or VBA
+ 3
well being a product of Microsoft, SQL can combines with any Microsoft language,