+ 9

Hi, I'm new here, I have some questions...

Do I need to be fluent in English in order to learn computer science? I have no knowledge in computer science at all, where should I begin to start with learning? Do I need an extremely high math knowledge? Thanks a lot :)))

8th Dec 2016, 7:01 PM
Liat - avatar
20 Antworten
+ 8
At first I planned to study Psychology, which is really interesting to me but I shouldn't think about interest only... the studies themselves are interesting, the job is less interesting and it takes too many years to learn until you get your degree (you should do a master's degree in order to reach Psycology). I switched my course of study to Computer Science for several reasons: all you need to do in order to specialize in Computer Science is a bachelor's degree or even just a course for about a year and you get all what you need. The 2nd reason is the income... you are free from financial worries. It's a discipline requires some thought so I won't get tired of this... and my cousin just graduated from the university and started to work and he is really have a lot of passion to this so all these made me get interested in this. The only thing I've left is my ability... I hope I can manage it and maybe even enjoy it... Now I just started to research about it and see how it works and I'll see next if I made the right bet ;)
12th Dec 2016, 10:32 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 5
don't get caught up on which language to learn first just go for it. I recommend python for a start. as a beginner I would not jump into c++ first thing. good luck on ur journey!
12th Dec 2016, 7:24 PM
NICKALL [EP] - avatar
+ 5
Manga Srinivas Rao Baipalli
12th Dec 2016, 9:38 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 5
Just did :)
12th Dec 2016, 10:41 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 4
first finish everything and master all need then do further research in the net and mostly associate with people who know computer science they may be of great help
8th Dec 2016, 7:27 PM
+ 4
and dont worry about programming it sometimes feels hectic to get to know thats why we post questions to clarify
8th Dec 2016, 7:30 PM
+ 4
i suggest u start with the simplest HTML then CSS they are interesting to learn
9th Dec 2016, 4:58 AM
+ 4
N then javascript they all relate
9th Dec 2016, 7:25 AM
+ 4
Thank you very much Villafuerte! I'll follow the order you suggest. Can you tell me your opinion about Python? I heard the level of this language is suitable for beginners as well. can you include it in the order please?
12th Dec 2016, 6:12 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 4
Wow JENN thank you so much!! you just gave me here all the information I needed:))) <33
12th Dec 2016, 8:38 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 4
W3Schools.com HTML
12th Dec 2016, 9:29 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 3
I wanna reach to developing... Does computer science is the right degree to choose? I've heard it's really teaching you the topic in details and not get to the real point of programming... Is that right?
8th Dec 2016, 7:18 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 3
Thank you guys! I wanna start with the course but I'm not sure which course to begin with first... What do you suggest?
8th Dec 2016, 8:27 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 3
Jenn download the app W3Schools :)
12th Dec 2016, 9:22 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 3
How can I add you as a friend?? I'm new there... can you add me? my name there the same as here
12th Dec 2016, 9:24 PM
Liat - avatar
+ 2
No. It's all wrong! Think of it this way. The fact that most people can drive a car, bus... Doesn't mean they can suddenly manufacture, or, repair one. That's what programming with computer SCIENCE is. Computer science is way easy! I'm almost shocked! And fun too. Most of the toughness is overHyped. An example. Computer science says the best way to catch a mouse is to catch a cat first. Programming says this catchMouseProgram int X, Y; float Z; array[A]; [.implement_Jargon.Bin] ....... Computer science helps explains thoroughly the mysteries behind the strange symbols, the reasons, what programming language to use and why it is better for the task at hand... Programming Entails driving a car. Yes. But in essence what's the interaction between the gear and the fuel intake, how do you design for faster gear transmission.... There's an actually calculated science behind it, even without computers. Computers are just our expression tools most times.
8th Dec 2016, 7:28 PM
JENN - avatar
+ 2
I can tell you, you have to be clear what language you want to learn or in what area you want to specialize, then you can try to find out your interests... Wheter it is the software development or the web design among others... I can talk about web design and I recomend you start in this order (If this is the case): Html, Css, javascript, php, sql, then you can continue learning node.js, boostrap and so on, but try to learn everything about each language you study, and do not forget to have fun learning, is the most important part here, good luck in your learning
12th Dec 2016, 4:13 PM
Villafuerte - avatar
+ 2
You are welcome Liat, Python is perfect to start learning, but I have to recommend that you are really interested in learning, I recommend that you start learning Javascript, could be hard in the beginning, but this will help you with the other languages, and more important with the logic excercises, as always is the way you feel comfortable learning
12th Dec 2016, 6:24 PM
Villafuerte - avatar
+ 2
This book will provide the answers you seek, a perfect fit for all beginners yet having depth, mathematics is limited to just adding numbers in binary which it fully shows how, it explain the whole about computer science. Algorithms, networks, programming, at a really friendly and introductory manner. https://www.google.com.ng/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.disi.unal.edu.co/~gjhernandezp/introisc/hide/%255BComputer.ScienceAn.Overview.(11th.2011)%255D.J.Glenn.Brookshear.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjtrJ32pu_QAhXCiiwKHY_tAvsQFghYMAk&usg=AFQjCNGuDWdRcnosqM17k0H4nRdzEcv7cA&sig2=-I6VjGTxVYGw9wsq66Dj1A
12th Dec 2016, 6:40 PM
JENN - avatar
+ 2
This is mathematics believe it or not: it's quite different from the other garbage we crammed in the past. JENN owes anyone who dances 4 dollars. JENN owes X $4 //X here standing for anyone who will dance. So what if four, two, or a single person dances. Then JENN will owe each $4. Okay so JENN owes X dancers $4. Yes. If X dances JENN owes. If P then Q. Yes. Okay if i dance then Q will happen. Q standing for JENN owing. So Q = True if and only if X. Yes. JENN - $4 IFF P is true. (J-4)=P + Q //that is if the even p + q happens then JENN - $4. Yes. So P+Q-J=$0 If event happens but no JENN, then no dollar. So. P+Q = 1. If the event must happen. Else = 0. So if (1-J=0) print("Sorry Dear Sir or Lady, You get no dollar") Else (1+J=4) print("You have won 4 dollars") It's a language. I could go on. It not like the garbage we all learnt, it's actually fun. Believe it or not. It takes time and effort. That's all. I could even go ahead to say why 0 = 2. Just by these arguments. Slow down and see through mathematics, the whole front it puts on, is a disguise. It's a world of disguises. You have to learn to see through.
12th Dec 2016, 7:12 PM
JENN - avatar