Can someone help me with this CSS? experimenting with class selectors and not sure why it's not working.
<html> <head> <style> body { color: blue; background-color: gray; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <p> This is some text </p> <p class="first"> This is <b>more</b></p></div> .first {font-size: 200%; background-color: white; } but all I can see in the browser is the paragraph text in gray and blue... But the "this is more" doesn't change and the browser also shows the .first ..... white; } text. also is there any way in the app to make my code in the playground (wherever that even is) and link it?
3 Antworten
You must define class first into style because it's the part of css not html
So I would move the .first line into <style> segment?
yesss I just did and it worked!!!