+ 1
Does SoloLearn help anyone get some useful knowledge?
I have gotten Java course and now learn SQL. SoloLearn gives very besic knowledge. And poor practice. I use app "SQL Practice" for android. There is theory for each lesson and you should write simple query. Do anybody know the same apps for Java, CSS, PHP? Thanks to all!
5 Antworten
+ 1
Do you want practice in phone? SL allow it but if you want deep learn dont stop to apps... Web is full of resources for learn... Here some they:
SUBNETTING GUY Guys keep calm... I think that Zerg say that SL has very basic tutorials (and its true for me also) and few practice problems (true this also) .... Anyway if you dont share this opinion you are free to do it but please respect other users if they respect you... Respect go to first place
Learning can't be easier than this i have been trying to understand classes,methods and objects creation.reading pages of papers but it took few weeks to nail it down.Am just saying thumbs up to sole learn.
SUBNETTING GUY SL is useful ok... Learn nedd to apply for time, ok.... Anyone can expose own think, ok.... But please respect always others ... This is what i want say
- 3
"sole learn gives very basic knowledge and poor practice?????" If you think you need more you should have known where to find it .Just go to hell.