+ 25
Which language should I learn to develop my programming career?
19 Antworten
+ 18
it depends which language you have a passion for.With greater passion comes the urge to try something new which is very healthy for your career
+ 12
Well, it totally depends on you. ..But you should have command on C++.
Its scope is high.
+ 9
Well, what about you check out the answer to the first question on this link? It might help. I directed you to this link because the choice of language depends on your interests as each language has different applications
+ 9
Java worked well for me, but I recommend a mix including html, css, and JavaScript.
+ 7
it realy depends of what path in programming you want to folow if your end goal is to make websites you should invest time in learning the basic web languages like html css js jquery (wich is actualy nothing more then a js library)sql maybe php or other serversided lang. like python wich will also benefiet you in the future if you want to dive deeper in analyses or data science . On the other hand if you want Do hardware coding Go for c and asm . for aplications for android or otters you maybe want to give java a Go and for desktop ap c++ c# (java wil also work just fine for this)bottom line is that alle languages have their own field of operations , Some have a broader field then otters, but its opt to you what field to choose !
+ 6
yes swati is right c++ has high scopes and is easy at the same time...
however learning java and c++ at the same time may cause confusion
+ 5
Maybe java or python. I think java is better because many people learn it so you can easily find the answer for questions you don’t understand.
+ 4
python is on the great demand . so you should learn python for programming and get succeed in your carrer
+ 4
function varTest() {
var x = 1;
if (true) {
var x = 2; // same variable
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 2
function letTest() {
let x = 1;
if (true) {
let x = 2; // different variable
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 1
+ 4
yes swati is right c++ has high scopes and is easy at the same time...
however learning java and c++ at the same time may cause confusion
+ 4
find these high demand languages Java, C++ ,Python, C# , Swift, JavaScript, Typescript, Golang, Ruby. try them all and choice your favorite one. for me Dartlang, Golang and JavaScript.
+ 3
depends on the scope of the programming you are interested in, but on a personal level java and ruby.
+ 3
in my opinion you should learn python .or you should go for ethical hacking.because security is major role in every field.
+ 2
basically most of the programming language are from C
+ 1
Java, Python, or Swift, in my opinion.
+ 1
It really depends on where you see yourself programming-wise in, say 10 years. If you want to pursue client-side programming, try VisualBasic, Java, C++. For games, try C++ or C#. For web development, begin with HTML/CSS and then when your confident enough, maybe try web-oriented server side programming such as PHP. Hope this helps! :)
+ 1
well it really depends on what you would like to do and which area you would like to venture in i.e web development, mobile or developing desktop apps
+ 1
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