Can someone help me? I want to know which coding language suits well for displaying images for few seconds like power point.
13 Antworten
+ 2
Sounds like I have long way to go, so I could implement my project.I believe the kind of feedback from question I have while in progress will be motivating for me to keep going. Thank u again, you seems to know quite well about this languages, so I will take your advise.
+ 1
Hi, i have a question. SoloLearn has set up a text editor for learners to play with the coding and text. What text editor could I use when I want to do my own web site and coding? Something which I intent to do after I mastered (hopefully) HTML5 and JavaScript?
Javascript would be excellent at this as it is designed to manipulate the objects in an HTML document.
Thank you so much. I'm trying to learn the HTML, HTML5 first and next Javascript so I can learn to fit the interactive on the page. Do you think I got the right order?
HTML and HTML5 are the same thing... 5 is just the latest version. Just learn HTML5 as it contains everything you would have learned in HTML 1 - 4.
I would do CSS before Javascript. It's very easy and will really help as a lot of the dynamic stuff will key off css classes and ids. After you feel comfortable with javascript learn jQuery. powerful javascript library that makes a lot of things really simple and easy.
There are many. I personally use Zend Studio but that's because I code in php and it was made by the same people. I use AngularIDE when I work on Angular. Notepad++ is an excellent place to start. But do a google search. you may find one you prefer more. :)
Next question....What about the compiler, is something I have to get it separately? How do I run in the text editor? I might sound too early for this question but I like to see how I can work side by side with SoloLearn and my own project.
html and javascript don't really compile. the browser I interprets them natively. you'll need a webhost on your computer. wamp is great if you're on windows. lamp for linux. there are others out there. then you just start the webhost program... drop your code in the www folder it creates and in your browser go to localhost.
Thank you
So when I type my html text on a notepad++ how do I run to see the output?
Also what if my source code and is for educational purposes. For example i want the students interactive game results are recorded. Result are watched in SQL? This is from my minimal understanding but my ideas similar to what I said.
you need to download a webserver ( google one for your operating system) and install it. it mimics a real server so your browser can request code from it to display just like a real website. But to make your site public you will need hosting from a real server. there are free hosting companies out there. google for them and find one you like.
You are right. MySQL could store those results for you.