+ 1

Suggest websites to practice programming based on topics

Hi I am quite new to programming. So I would like to enhance my skill on some topics, but couldnt find a suitable site.

4th May 2018, 10:29 AM
ndmy - avatar
3 Antworten
4th May 2018, 12:13 PM
+ 1
Try codewars.com
4th May 2018, 11:12 AM
+ 1
1. Practice, write a program related to your favourite things (anime, film, tv series...) 2. Here some websites to test your coding skills, don't worry about difficulty of each one, feel free to use Google to help you: • https://www.hackerrank.comhttps://www.codewars.comhttps://www.hackerearth.comhttps://codecombat.comhttps://projecteuler.nethttps://brainwar.ithttp://www.programmr.comhttps://www.codechef.comhttp://www.codeabbay.comhttps://www.topcoder.comhttps://coderbyte.comhttps://leetcode.comhttp://exercism.iohttps://codefights.comhttp://www.cyber-dojo.orghttp://codingbat.comhttp://www.pythonchallenge.comhttps://codegolf.stackexchange.comhttps://www.codingame.comhttp://www.programmr.comhttps://programmingpraxis.com 3. Practice, seriously, practice is the best way to learn. Good luck! :)
16th Jan 2021, 1:56 AM
K.S.S. Karunarathne
K.S.S. Karunarathne - avatar