Python vs. Javascript
I feel like python amd javascript are quite comparable. Javascript can be used in web development, as well as a stand alone language. Why do people still learn python? What are the adavntages of python over js? Can you list a few pros and cons of both languages with respect to each other. And what is python best at? Machine learning? Networking?
2 Antworten
+ 4
Python is used for many disciplines other than web development for example:
1. Data Science
2. Pandas foundations
3. Cleaning data
4. Scipy operations
5. Manipulating data
6. Competitive programming
7. Statistics / Analysts
8. Machine learning
9. NPL Natural process language
10. Data Analysis
To name a few.
+ 3
Python: back-end for web dev, you can do AI with it, it is really easy
Javascript: front-end for web dev, you can do some 2D games with it, it is easy too