5 Antworten
+ 4
I just started using Pycharm. It's pretty cool. It supports predictive text, which is useful for new coders. Also has PEP notifications to get you used to writing in a Pythonic manor.
+ 4
Pycharm is best. Eclipse has an Python extension too. And there is Enthought Canopy.
+ 3
PyCharm is the best IDE ( even for absolute beginners) with its customizable GUI, fast error prediction (intending, colon etc.) and easy fixing , and sure free "community edition" :D
Great work of jetbrains.
+ 3
Ohh, and I forgot about Pycharm's Debugger! It's fantastic. I used to just throw in handfuls of print() functions everywhere, here you can just debug and it shows the value of every variable. Saves lots of time. The Double Shift (system wide)Search kicks butt too, makes finding modules easy as py.
+ 2
p.s. If you are interested in doing any scientific computing, I recommend Ipython and Jupyter Notebook. I use them both in my Data Science classes, and they make things so much more pleasant than just using a regular IDE or shell prompt.