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What is the opposite of endl or /n ?
6 Antworten
There is no much difference but here goes this logic.
I use "endl" to create a new line when my cout prints an initialized or assigned variable at the end of cout statement..
int x = 6;
cout << x << endl;
I use "\n" to create a new line when i know my cout prints a string that is not initialized at then end of cout statement.
int age = 12;
cout << "I am " << age << " years old.\n";
I mean to know the keyward to go back to one line before.
eg endl is used to go to next line but can we go back to previous line also?
what may be the opposite of space.
oops ya u r right its opposite of space
my bad, I assumed your meaning of opposite was "difference between".
well. I think carriage return might do the trick \r. but i am not to sure of your question.