+ 15
Learning is Endless l Discussions on Google Projects l Apple’s Future I Future of Technology by Top Companies
Yesterday, I had received a Video from Google I/O 2018. Here is the video. http://youtu.be/7snqbxn1Gus if you liked it, let’s discuss on the features and the Android P Beta. It is an interesting topic and you can also post videos related to programming technology and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and many more.
43 Antworten
+ 10
Google launches free online course on AI
Free online resources on AI
Learn with Google AI:
Machine learning crash course:
Google blog link:
For details --
💠💠 Please check my answer.💠💠
+ 7
Deep Learning and AI. Convalutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition.
This course is helping me immensely with my understanding of Deep Learning, Computer Vision and AI. This is a great place to start if you have interest in any of these fields 😊 They use python, but you don't need to use it to get the concepts.
2016: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkt2uSq6rBVctENoVBg1TpCC7OQi31AlC
2017: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1qU-LWwrF64f4QKQT-
+ 7
Cloud Computing Reference:
Tell what you understood from these videos????
Waiting for your responses!!!!!
+ 7
Deepak Kumar Patro You can replace the video link with the official one: https://youtu.be/ogfYd705cRs
+ 6
Artificial Intelligence is based on vectorized statistical models, deep, deep down there :)
So in order to be proficient in this, it won't hurt to learn some linear algebra and statistics.
Also, there are Python-dedicated courses and sources, so you might start doing them once you know Python enough.
+ 6
AI is a misconception. That is not to say that we cannot create machines that can solve real life problems like driving, translating languages, so on and so forth. The recent example where Deep Thought beat the best Go players in the world is only a new beginning. But, please remember that the machine has no awareness that it is playing a game. It doesn't have any understanding. It doesn't even know that it won the game! It can not even give any meaning to Os or 1s. Intelligence that we humans and even animals seem to possess is beyond programs. E.g., x + y = 1. You know that such an equation can represent a line in Cartesian plane. That means something to you. But, it does not mean anything to a program. As Turing also put it, asking whether computers can think is absurd. Chinese Room argument is a good one, if you want to find out more...
+ 5
The potential of AI is still theoretical in it's modern advanced stages of development, but the answer seems to be when, not if they will make programmers, just like others, obselete.
If you use things like TurboTax, or even a calculator, instead of an accountant, then you've probably heard the hell raised by those unemployed by simple AI's.
The intervention of our godlike power over AIs programmable "minds" seems to be necessary not to make ourselves obsolete in *EVERY* aspect of technological advancements.
The question then turns to will humans eventually live in utopian harmony with the entities that we create to do all of our work for us?
While we can either act as slavemaster supervision, or just trust their built in adaptability, and have the human race fall into being oblivious as to what's being developed by the AIs, and for what purpose.
It seems that the survival instinct in humans will always insure that we are hopefully not completely obselete to the AI, without first containing any AI project to it's own "firewalled" universe.
+ 5
I think programmer will evolve to new level. In the course of history, programmer adapted with the development of programming language.
From assembly language to the present-high level language.
There will be new innovation in programming to adapt with AI-based device.
By the way, adapting is humanity best power.
+ 5
Do you want to learn Machine learning?
There are some basics in Sololearn, but if you really want to learn, you need something better. There are at least three FREE courses from Google, Coursera, and Edx.
I hope you like them!!! I'm currently taking them...when I have time.
+ 4
Is this a good Idea?
+ 4
If it is a good idea, then start posting and up voting so that the admin gets to know about this and adds new activities to this app.
+ 4
I think big companies are building that kind of ai. Power; space; maintance problems will not stop evolution of ai because big companies will do whatever it takes.
Maybe a (disappointed) engineer on a big company will sabotage the protection code because of revenge, money or even some threats. Maybe a protection for humans which will be removed by accidently on a new version. Maybe some people will decide there is too many human being in the world. Maybe hunger for money/power... Maybe they will think they can manage/control that kind of ai...
I think one day human beings will fight with ai for their life.
Sorry for the English.
+ 4
I am Mostly towards positive side of AI, who knows, when I grow up big, I will change my mind. Still I love AI. What about you????
+ 4
Tensorflow is helpful for machine learning and deep learning AI as well..it's a open source library developed by Google..works with python
+ 4
also udacity academy very helpful..for ai ..related videos
+ 4
There is a tech news for you and that is "Apple WWDC 2018 " held on 4/6/2018.
I have found the Live Video Stream of the Event on Youtube.
Please do watch and Reply.
Enjoy Watching the video.
Do upvote if you liked the video.
Here is the link given: http://youtu.be/61U4_ygZolo
+ 4
Hello developers,
You might have surely heard of the Apple Keynote September 2018 in Steve Jobs Theatre. In short, there are new iphones coming up and they are “iphoneXs” “iphoneXs max” and “iphone R”. There is also Apple Watch Series 4 coming up.
+ 3
After joining this group chat you should be knowing these facts.
IT = Information Technology
ICT = Information and Communication Technology
CS = Computer Science (or Computer Science & Engineering)
Simple hack:-
IT: Programming
ICT: IT + Communication
CS: Programming + Hardware
➡IT deals with information. Retrieval and storage of information. You learn how to use available software components. Even develop interfaces and software components as per need of the project.
*Internet Security
➡ICT deals with information plus it's processing. They learn storage, retrieval, manipulation and transmit of information Electronically. Learn about the web, database etc. Data transfer between device like mobiles phones, network towers. Network design and management.
*Some IT part
*Communication (wireless, satellite etc)
➡CS or CSE deals study at both levels i.e. hardware and software. There is word science it mean you will learn what is happening and how is happening.
It have both theoretical and practical aspects.
*Digital Logic Design(all boolean concept and other stuff)
*Microprocessor (here you get Assembly 😃)
*Data structure
*Graphics theory and Discrete maths
*Soft Computing (my favorite 😃)
➡➡If you have deep interest in computer then go for CS (or CSE both same).
Otherwise base on your interest which ever you like.
If still confuse do this: Find out all the subjects which you are going to study. And then analyze.
Also check their scope and field of work but not necessary (according to me).
P.S : Only for additional knowledge.
+ 3
I think programming languages will become increasingly easy in the future, so they will become much easier to use for people with less technical skills. You could think of IDEs giving suggestions of code improvements or high-level structures that work out-of-the-box. In this development it will be required that programmers will have more functional knowledge about the purpose they are programming for instead of having a lot of technical code knowledge.
+ 3
Good, happy to see you contributing. Siddharth, there is a problem with the app I am using, because I find all the upvotes I have put for my codes have also disappeared. Maybe, this is making your codes as downvotes which I had given upvotes to your code.