+ 4
Swift without MacBook
Can I code on Swift without Mac? Should I start learning Swift if I don’t have Mac? I just have iPhone and iPad. Is it possible to test a code on my iPhone/iPad? Please give me advice. Thanks in advance;)
8 Antworten
+ 2
Either buy a Mac and build apps with Xcode or switch to java and build apps for Android. Apple made things pretty unfriendly for devs wanting to build apps for their system without using a Mac. Part of the allure of being a dev with them since it keeps out the undedicated devs. That or find an emulator on google. I'm sure someone has built one. Just gotta dig around.
+ 3
Yep, it’s perfect for learning syntaxis and some algorithms. But what I should do next? How can I run a code on my phone?
+ 3
I mean running my own app
+ 2
Sololearn has a Swift learning component and I'm pretty sure if you spent any time in the App Store, you'd see that searching for a "Swift compiler" yields plenty of results to start practicing.
+ 2
Thanks a lot, I’ll try to find an emulator.
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+ 1
It won't be easy.
+ 1
If you have a non mac PC, a Hackintosh might be an option.