+ 19
Are you a night owl coder?
As far as I met coders worldwide, almost everyone prefers to work in the night. I myself, can't think and work efficiently at daylight, but after 6-8pm, I start to "wake up" and it happened a lot that I coded till 5am. I am definitely not a morning person. What about you?
9 Antworten
+ 4
Im both! :D
Sometimes I will stay up late, but most of the time I am waking up early to learn a couple lessons in my current course or write a small code, or answer questions, then go to school.
+ 4
I use to have to force myself to be to work by 10 AM, but had no problem still being there 24 hours later. I wasn't a morning person for most of my life. Now, sleep is difficult so being up for the day at 4 AM isn't.
+ 3
I’m both.
+ 2
i am a night owl coder too, same happens to me, great ideas come to me only after 7 pm
+ 2
Same here, I have a hard time getting out of bed before 9 am, but have no problem staying up until 4 or even 5 in the morning, just coding away! Seems like all the good ideas hit me after 7 pm anyway
+ 1
I'm more of a night coder too, but early mornings also work nicely for me. I think it is psychological, a te when I am certain no one is going to call or disturb me...my mind feels relaxed enough to enter a deep state of concentration.
+ 1
I used to prefer nights but that was a number of years ago before I became a Dad and sleeping in ceased to exist.
I get up anywhere between 5am-7am even on weekends. I'm into running and cycling so my brain is often ready to go after morning exercise.
It's currently 10:30pm and I should be asleep but I'm procrastinating and plodding around on here.
I can work well both on mornings and evenings, but I am decidedly a no-heavy-lunch person :-)
Night Owl! Can be morning but mostly night depending on schedule