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What is IDLE?
is it a software? Sorry learning coding for first time so may be a very basic question.
8 Antworten
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IDLE (short for integrated development environment or integrated development and learning environment) is an integrated development environment for Python, which has been bundled with the default implementation of the language since 1.5.2b1
Can you please explain in more some terms? I don't have any background in computer so some basic would be helpful. What is it used for? Why is it important?
its an IDE for python
used for making quick development for applications using python script
just like RAD IDE for visual studio
more info:-
also check:-
microsoft visual studio @google
Simply speaking, that is something you will get together with Python installation from official site python.org and will want to use as soon as you get some practice in Sololearn playground, so you can make real usable scripts/programs
Later on you can go further with (many coders recommend) PyCharm or some other
Thanks Sasha!! That makes sense. of all the answers, only yours I could understand. one additional question. why would I move to PyCharm if I can write code on IDLE?
You don't have to at this stage at all. You can consider PyCharm as "advanced" IDLE which shows its advantages when you start coding some serious projects. It has advanced helpful features and preistalled additional modules not just Standard library. I mentioned it in previous answer just because you will come across it along your "coding" way
Thanks a lot Sasha for explaining things in such simple terms. Can you also suggest from where can I download Python? Google will tell me but I thought an experienced person like you will give a reliable source. Is it Python.org or should I download it from somewhere else?
Yes it is. It is official page that you will refer pretty often to for (installation, tech doc, tutorial, other sources and so on...)