Can we apply binary search on c++ list and vector?
Binary search algorithm on c++ list and vector. How can we do that? is there any restrictions? please help.
5 Antworten
+ 3
It seems the built-in binary_search function in <algorithm> works on lists.
Thus, you may declare a similar binary_search function based on the one from <algorithm>
You can find details on it here :
+ 8
I'm fairly sure that unlike vector, list does not provide random access, which means that you have to iterate through the list to get an item.
vec[5] // sixth element
list[5] // nope
This means that you can apply binary search on vector, given that the vector is sorted.
+ 5
Aha, there's the catch.
It "works", but doesn't really carry out binary search on std::list the way you would expect it to.
Nonetheless, interesting discovery. Kinshuk Vasisht
+ 3
Hatsy Rei Thank you!!!
+ 2
Kinshuk Vasisht Thanks