+ 2
do you love better java or c++?
3 Antworten
+ 2
:) Java $$
Well I love java. There are many reasons and things that makes me to love java:
Type Safety - Java is strongly typed. It forces you to precise. You have to define the type of the variables you are using - there is no magic involved. What at first seems hard for beginner, will make life much easier for you - there won’t be any hidden surprise. An apple is an apple and stays an apple. An apple will never be a pear.
Object Orientation - Java is an object oriented language. This allows you to model, design your code in a way that closely relates to the real world. You can talk to your customer about your code “There is a Tree of apples and one apple is falling down” - and without any programming knowledge, the customer will understand what you are talking about.
Performance - Java has an awesome performance, and with newer compilers and JVMs is getting better every year.
Garbage Collection - Java was my first programming language, so to me it totally made sense that I just created objects and never had to care about memory allocation and de-allocation - It felt so intuitive, so normal, I didn’t realize how cool it was - until I started learning some C. You have to do it all on your own - get some free memory, use it, make sure you free it after you’re done, or you will soon run into problems - that is a big challenge on its own! Not much time for the actual problem you wanted to solve in the first place.
Libraries - Java is massive. There is code for almost anything you could wish for, either natively in the JDK, or available as open source.
Jobs - I never had to look hard for a job - for example after university, I got more offers than I was willing to take interviews. I took about 10, and then picked the best option out of the 10.
you can see many benefits of java here:- http://crbtech.in/Java-Training/benefits-learning-java/
i want to learn c++ firs, then i shall try to learn java)