+ 16
Is there a way to see your own challenge statistics?
33 Antworten
+ 14
u can , but not by your own
u will need someone's help
u can ask other players to see your stats and inform u
Edit: now in the updated version u can see it, in skills tab
+ 13
@gopi I'm actually working as chief engineer on tanker ships. Programming is something that is more of a hobby.
+ 10
Don't worry
you are the best.
+ 9
Not yet. Sololearn seems to be in Development phase. They will probably add more features soon
+ 9
@wilson Since 1987 (was 9 at the time) - started with Basic on a machine with 128KB of RAM, tape for storage and the amazing 16 colors :)
+ 9
Was "machine with 128KB of RAM, tape for storage and the amazing 16 colors" a ZX Spectrum (Sinclair's)? :-) I had one with 64KB. What kind of tape player have you used then (in Bulgaria?)? :-) Spectrum Basic too was a starting point and I am not yet a professional programmer too, but after years of working with x-ray spectrometers I'm trying to get a job in IT as a junior developer :-)
+ 8
wow, I have not opened my post for a while. Interesting discussion here. To go back to topic now one can see his statistics under "skills" in the profile... as a total or for each "weapon". I'm working on making that pie for the losses so small that it is not visible any longer, then my face color might get back to normall ;)
+ 7
I will tell you your statistics
+ 7
@Nikolay Naychev - There is no need for you to check your challenge stats. You have infinite wins and there is an error stating you had losses. The losses were from a glitch, ignore them.
+ 7
Nicholay Nachev loss stats approaching non existent,
decreasing intensity of red in RGB!
+ 7
Atari guy here, 130XE, XL12 tape drive. I want to press my Start+Option once again one day! ;)
+ 6
You can use the 👤 button on the top of the interface
+ 6
here is link of your stats
+ 6
But what device are you using Wilson? A crystal ball, phone, or tablet?
+ 5
Now that detailed challenge info is available in the Activiy tab one can see his oponent's stats before accepting a challenge, which is great, but why I can't find a way to review my own?
+ 5
It depends on the device you use. I see mine
+ 5
@garrach_hazem How can I help you?
+ 5
@nikolay how long have you been programming that you became so good at it?
+ 5
@nikolay what do you now after long time of programming? Do you teach? I want a friend who is programmer.... 😊
+ 5
@Dmytro, you'll have to score 5 to beat me... I gave you a chance, you scored 4. You''ll have to be satisfied with a draw :D