Which language is best for blogging??? Web designing is easy???

31st May 2018, 2:34 PM
BALASAN - avatar
9 Antworten
+ 2
I use Jekyll which incorporates Ruby, HTML and CSS. It is great for making a static website such as a blog or resume. free hosting on GitHub Pages as well. see my blog post: https://blog.mphomphego.co.za
31st May 2018, 2:42 PM
Mpho Mphego
Mpho Mphego - avatar
+ 1
it's really not complicated, for my blog see comments above. I have also integrated Google AdSense and analytic to generate some what income
31st May 2018, 4:31 PM
Mpho Mphego
Mpho Mphego - avatar
+ 1
I understand I suppose one has to start somewhere. How did you reach the conclusion that the blog I mentioned isn't mine? 😒
31st May 2018, 4:53 PM
Mpho Mphego
Mpho Mphego - avatar
wordpress offcourse 😊. Has more than enough plugins/add-ons to help you customize your blog to fit your needs and it's the best platform when it comes to SEO.
31st May 2018, 3:28 PM
Cosmin P
Cosmin P - avatar
wordpress all day long saves you hassle
31st May 2018, 3:54 PM
Glennb85 - avatar
check my post on why I migrated from wordpress to Jekyll http://goo.gl/rN17pH
31st May 2018, 4:16 PM
Mpho Mphego
Mpho Mphego - avatar