Which language is best for blogging??? Web designing is easy???
9 Antworten
+ 2
I use Jekyll which incorporates Ruby, HTML and CSS. It is great for making a static website such as a blog or resume.
free hosting on GitHub Pages as well.
see my blog post: https://blog.mphomphego.co.za
+ 1
it's really not complicated, for my blog see comments above. I have also integrated Google AdSense and analytic to generate some what income
+ 1
I understand I suppose one has to start somewhere. How did you reach the conclusion that the blog I mentioned isn't mine? 😒
wordpress offcourse 😊. Has more than enough plugins/add-ons to help you customize your blog to fit your needs and it's the best platform when it comes to SEO.
wordpress all day long saves you hassle
check my post on why I migrated from wordpress to Jekyll http://goo.gl/rN17pH