+ 5
Any experienced Javascript programmers here please ?
Usually, when challenging, I get to see quizzes that I consider very confusing. The most confusing of them all to me are quizzes such as this: function foo(x) { if(x <= 2) { return x; } else { return foo(6) + foo(x + 2) } } foo(8); I can't recall how many times I've seen such quizzes and missed them. I would appreciate it, if you better coders could throw more light on the quiz above 👆 👆
7 Antworten
+ 2
Andre Daniel challenges are available only on android and ios versions of this app
tab with thunder sign is where you will find challenge. click on + button at right bottom-> select language and you are up
What exactly is the question? I have not done any quizzes so far, and I don't know where to find them (or where to find challenges) but this looks pretty straightforward.
When challenging, you'll most likely come across questions like that one up there.
I'm asking you guys to help me explain that quiz above
infinite recursion
I don't understand.
Could you please explain it to me?
So what happens to foo(x+2) ?
then x=10
then x=12