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Hey Coders, I'm currently trying to solve the following problem with dynamic programming! Here is the problem: Given a set S of positive integers. Are there 3 subsets (S1,S2,S3), such that: 1) sum (S1) = sum (S2) = sum (S3) 2) S1,S2,S3 aren't empty 3) sum (S) = sum (S1) + sum (S2) + sum (S3) EXAMPLE 1: input: S = [4,7,5,2,9] output: True ( one possible combination: S1 = [4,5] S2 = [7,2] S3 = [9] ) Example 2: input: [3,2,2,1] output: False I've no idea how to solve it. all hints are helpful!
5 Antworten
+ 1
in dynamic programming you have first to find a recursive algorithm before optimizing it using some data struct! my answer was just to provide you some tip.
furthermore the set of all subset of S consists of 2^|S| elements, for example for {1,2} you have {empty} {1} {2} and {1,2} 2^2=4 subsets (you can also prove this by induction).
+ 1
after some research on the problem, I wrote this (pseudo) polynomial algorithm. check it out!!!
i would start finding all the 2^|S| subsets of set S, and calculating sum(Si) of each subset Si
That's the 'brute force' way and it leads to very inefficient runtime!
I'm looking for a way to create S1,S2,S3 by adding a new element to it. And if the new sum of the increased set is larger than a threshold, i need to do some backtracking (placing the new element in a different Set)!
But i don't know how to do the backtraking!
By the way: It should be 3^|S| subsets!
you have to find a minimal subset Si with sum(Si)=sum(S)\3 and continue on the remaining elements on S