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What other programming language should I learn before heading to java?
4 Antworten
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Welcome to Sololearn and congratulations on making the choice of becoming a programmer! :-)
Now, to answer your question I decided to cover more ground than just Java:
Programming is all related. To start coding you need to think like a coder. For that I highly recommend you to focus on a high-level language, such as: Python, HTML, Java or C#.
These are all great choices for whatever you would want to focus on. Object-orientation is a beautiful method to program in and since java provides this it might also help to look into other languages first who covers this part as well, only on a more straightforward way.
1. Python does not deal with any user-interface which makes it a very fast language but it is also a truly dynamic language.
It is actually, hands-down, my favorite language! Because of its wide variety and mixed simplicity - just to mention a few: backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing, productivity tools, games, and desktop apps. So there are plenty of choices for you to cover here
BRANCH: Ruby, PyPy, backend
2. HTML is considered to be the easiest and mainly focus on websites in general
BRANCH: great to pick up CSS, JavaScript and PHP later on.
3. Java is a massive language and might demand a high-end computer to work properly but is fully portable and can be used on any device. Often used in apps, platform games and low-performance programs.
BRANCH: JavaScript, SQL
4. Lastly C# is one of the most appreciated languages, often used on Microsoft platform such as apps and games. great for gaming and unity coding. If you want to go C++ then C# is your natural choice.
BRANCH: C++, Unity
The golden rule in programming is to not spread out too much or you will mix the code together and face unnecessary frustration and several hours of extra work. Instead 'branch out'... : HTML into, PHP and CSS. C# into C++ and Unity. Java into JavaScript and so on...
To help you even further here's a great link to help you decide:
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You don't actually need to learn any language before you learn Java, but knowing another OOP (Object Oriented Language) is helpful. Python is recommended as a great first language because it simplifies many things while teaching the basic concepts of programming languages. Ruby isn't bad in this regard either. PHP is fairly simple imo. C++ is similar to Java in many ways but is one of the more complicated first languages to learn (but far from impossible). Just check out a few of the sololearn courses and dive in. Sampling multiple languages may help you to understand certain language-independent concepts more easily. If you have the motivation, understanding will happen eventually.
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C and C++ :)