+ 10

Your programming skills is not measured by badges but it measures by your codes.

is that true?

19th Dec 2016, 4:00 PM
mahesh naandade
mahesh naandade - avatar
6 Antworten
+ 10
Once again a great, thoughtful and helpful comment by an experienced programmer. Thank you for your question and thank you Mr. McCullen, TechParrot, Ravi. I agree with TechParrot that somehow the portfolio of code is undervalued in xp here and hope that we as a community focus on the code. Coding on your phone is in my opinion the greatest feature of Sololearn. There is some terrific code available here to examine and learn from, I am grateful to be able to see it. I think building a portfolio of code including code you have modded, debugged or contributed to/commented should be a central theme of your growth as a programmer.
5th Feb 2017, 12:58 PM
‎‏‎‏‎Joe - avatar
+ 8
Welcome to the community. :-) Lets dive in on your question: The urge to collect badges and achievements could give you big problems with your 'ladder of progress'. To really collect those badges you need to spread out your knowledge so that is what I assume you mean. The golden rule is to finish one language thoroughly and then move on to its neighbour(s). Many don't do it this way and this often causes them to mix up the languages and face numerous hours of wasted time and energy, not to mention the frustration. This might end up in you being given a big disadvantage in your upcoming goals and progress which could just as well end up with you giving up. I've seen it many times before and it's not pretty. Everything is related in programming, first you should master one language, so that you don't mix the syntax. Then you are free to take on the world and 'wow' everybody as much as you like. :-) Just to offer an example: I have been coding since I turned 5 years old in a black prompt window and now things are a bit different with my career on top and massive knowledge pouring over the edges.. However, on Sololearn, I look rather small. Now if I'd want to look big I could maybe do that quickly, something I couldn't if my knowledge were in the badges. Hope this answered any thought you may have had about this issue. Cheers!
19th Dec 2016, 10:01 PM
Tristan McCullen
Tristan McCullen - avatar
+ 1
not really ,it could be 70 :30
19th Dec 2016, 4:20 PM
Srujan.P.Mule - avatar
+ 1
although it could be measured by badges (acomplishments) result in skills = badges its still a source of measurment, That carries an important factor the feeling of acomplishment. your codes help gain badges but you kinda have to be in a room full of the same people wanting the same thing. on solo learn badges become egotistical, and takes the fun out of learning and leaves a heirachy that likes things their own way. people rarely look at the codes being produced especially the experienced and when they do its shrugged of. sololearn could learn from this and intesify questing and reduce badges to stem distraction.
19th Dec 2016, 10:44 PM
Tech Parrot
Tech Parrot - avatar
+ 1
I don't know, I make a lot of programs that I like to keep for me on my computer. It's easier to keep them on my computer because I can add 3rd party libs, I can debug them, etc.
1st Jan 2017, 11:24 AM
Mihai Dancaescu
Mihai Dancaescu - avatar
100% true
19th Dec 2016, 4:03 PM
Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar - avatar