7 Antworten
+ 7
Yes you can. Though usually you would want to go for something lower level like C or assembly since not everyone has Python installed.
I uh of course am telling you so you know about what viruses use. Do not create a virus and spread it to other people! That's illegal. Though the virus making itself is legal, you can make one just to learn, but DON'T spread it to computers that aren't your own!
I made a dumb payload with Python on here that spams files (would've made it infinite but of course, time limit exceeded in code playground).
+ 3
You can create a virus in any language...it all depends on what your virus is trying to attack or interact with...
search up google for more..
dont play dirty
+ 1
Yes bro every hacker use python.
I didn't ask for attacking, but for knowing. we can test a virus by an OS in VirtualBox
play the way you like dirty or clean, but u can make a virus, just make sure to be kevin mitnick after spreading it (without social wngineering)
No. I won't spread.
Yes, you can make a virus with any thing!😁