Unable to understand this!
int [ ] myArr = {6, 42, 3, 7}; int sum=0; for(int x=0; x<myArr.length; x++) { sum += myArr[x];
2 Antworten
+ 2
This section below creates an integer array object with four elements inside which are 6, 42, 3, 7 respectively.
int [ ] myArr = {6, 42, 3, 7};
This section below declares an integer variable with an initial value of zero but will change by the end of the for loop.
int sum=0;// total sum of all numbers will be stored here
This section below traverses through the array collection and adding each individual element to the "sum" variable above.
for(int x=0; x<myArr.length; x++) {
sum += myArr[x];
Finally, if you still don't understand it then I recommend codingbat website ( a lot of exercises to get you going ), reading relevant books, get involved in programming communities. STUDY, PRACTISE AND PERSISTENCE!
+ 1
int [ ] myArr = {6, 42, 3, 7};//Array
int sum=0;// Sum
for(int x=0; x<myArr.length; x++)
{ sum += myArr[x];}// sum = 0 + 6, sum = 6 +42, sum = 48 +3 ...