7 Antworten
+ 8
go look up the words then. if it's making you crazy, take a break. and like I said before, if python is too mind-breakingly hard for you, learn html or scratch or even look up a simple "programming game" that teaches you basic programming concepts by you playing. btw I'm not good at mathematics either so don't use that as an excuse for not learning
+ 7
Well not all of it will be easy. If you don't understand it, take it as a chance to mess around and learn. Even when you become a good programmer, there will still always be things you don't know. I think being a programmer is all about learning new things and rules and using them to your advantage.
If you think Python is truly that hard, I would suggest HTML or scratch. I wish you luck!
+ 6
That is because your mind is complaining about how difficult it is instead of focusing on improvement. Go practice more and it will be easier for you.
+ 4
easy relative to other languages,.
its not about ewting piece of cake.
u have to give ur 100%.
may be ur taking it lightly because others said it was easy.
Oh please..!! My brain is now trash and stress because of it, because becoming a programmer is hard for me or not because of logical thing and I don't even know mathematics when I go learn some object orientel here my brain is now downloading stress and trash. In the quiz it want me to go finish the quiz making it full capacity I don't even know words like width or variable or is
or more words that's use in programming, This 2017 Jan 12 this starting me to think that I have a disorder
mathematics yeah I know I use that excuse for an accident forget about mathematics let's focus on programming in here
And the reason why i think programming need math because look at it every object oriented telling me math question like a=4 b=3 a/b,What is this!!!