14 Antworten
+ 6
Shruti Agrawal Check out my mid-advanced projects here to see what can be done with little effort in Python:
(some of them run in Sololearn)
Also, look at some of my favourites here:
+ 3
thnx to all
+ 3
Luka Pitskhelauri thanks a lot
+ 2
Some beginner projects:
Test if a number is odd or even.
Test if a number is prime.
Find the factorial of a given number.
Test if a user input is a number.
Find what grade a student with a certain marks would get.
+ 2
Thanx for giving answer. But I want some advance projects .
+ 2
Try making a cool looking (even scientific) calculator using tkinter GUI toolkit. Or maybe visualisation of some dull looking output using same.
+ 2
S. C. Oops, sorry. Too quick a finger :)
+ 2
You're welcome
+ 2
you're welcome.
+ 1
Kuba Siekierzyński why did you mention my name in your answer?
+ 1
+ 1
I don't know if these will satisfy your interests, but in my experience, I found creating these projects very useful in a way of understanding python2.7 hope it works for u too.
1. Palindrome names checker (the names that spell forward and backward the same, like "kayak", " bob", "racecar" and so on...
2. A program that brings input letters in order, for example: input b, e, c, a, would sort to a, b, c, e.
3. A program that checks if the input words are anagrams of each other.
4. Fibonacci sequence.
5. Weight conversion tool.
6. Hangman game.
You can check programs on geeksofgeeks They are very useful to understand basic concept
Glad to be of use ^^