How is color defined..say #555 or say #32cd32 and logic behind.?
Someone care to expand what is the logic behind color definition say #555 for example.
6 Antworten
+ 3
kp kalia , hex colors are just like rgb colors converted to hexadecimal value.
You have to be familiar with hexadecimal numbers to understand how it works.
So basically, if you have an rgb color like rgb(50, 205,50), you just have to convert each those 3 color components to their hex values.
50 in hex is 32 and 205 in hex is CD.
Just combine all three and add a '#' at the beginning.
You'll get #32CD32.
On the other hand, #555 is just a shortcut version of #555555.
Thanks. But it is too difficult to understand. I am trying ,but honestly speaking , I am getting no idea. Concept is not yet clear.
More color codes....