+ 7
What is the best way to collect badge?
9 Antworten
+ 6
One, ask good question , I will get enough up voted by other user ,this can give you a lot of question badge two post enough beautiful codes that will be up voted by other user , keep challenging , make sure to always leave a comment in the lesson , this way you will soon start seen your self wining lot of badge ,and also remember to answer lot of question . I hope this help you
+ 3
To fancy SoloLearn !
+ 3
If you complete challenges and win accordingly you can unlock badge,
If you give answers, you can unlock badge
if you create code you can unlock badge.......and much more!!
+ 3
DO A LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT OF Posts and challenges ALSO DO A LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT of likes to others so they will like u back thus unlocking more badges.
+ 2
Do chalenges. It is one of the best ways. another way is to post code.
+ 2
by doing all what they ask you to do
+ 2
do the challenges and create codes
+ 1
thank yoi