To check wheather n is formed from m
m in given as input.n is given as input. the program has to check wheather m is formed from the elements of n.. for eg 1 m=12345 n=45321 result = yes eg 2: m= 3456 n= 98 result =no
16 Antworten
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Drunken Data as far as i can see your code doesn't take into account that they might be of different length, so as long as m contains n, your code will output yes. i'm about to see if i can make my own solution
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Drunken Data
this works for me
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print(all([i in m for i in set(n)]))
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Drunken Data ok
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m={i:m.count(i) for i in m}
n={i:n.count(i) for i in n}
print(all([m[i]<=n.get(i,0) for i in set(m)]))
that's easy, you can just sort both and then check if they're the same
no for inputs like m=5665
n=555 not coming coz n has three 5's while m has two 5's the output should be no
but printing yes
Drunken Data it shouldn't print yes, because when you sort both they're 5566 and 555 respectively which aren't equal.
link your code please
I don't how to code with the method you sujjested but I have written a code in another way I will link up that
this is what I have written
pls check for your own inputs too
no this is not for input like m= 1234
n=23 are not working it's printing no but it should print yes because every digit in n is present in m so that n can be formed from m this is what I have to check
Drunken Data oh in that case your solution will work if you iterate the other way around
yeah it work for some test cases but in some cases like m=565
n=555 it's printing yes but it should be no coz in n it has three 5 but in m it has only two 5 .my program checks only whether the number in n is present in m but it's not checking for every digit ( espeacially for repeating digits)
I hope you understand what I am trying to say....yeah????