java is platform independent. means?

22nd Sep 2015, 5:36 AM
Shrisha Yadiyala
4 Antworten
Hi Shrisha, Platform Independent means that a java program can develop on one platform and run on any other platform. Now you should know, which feature makes java platform independent. This is JVM. JVM is platform dependent. You have seen at the time of java downloading, there were various versions of Java for each platform. Each version has different configurations of JVM to read Java program.
22nd Sep 2015, 6:12 PM
Try Catch
Try Catch - avatar
it's not dependent or doesn't rely on one sole platform but instead it's a multiplatform meaning that one code can works on all platforms
27th Sep 2015, 10:29 PM
Rumple - avatar
Java is platform independent yes ,no one give the what exactly the meaning right OK I will give u u r using TV remote right that programming was written in based on Java, set up box also Java based , in washing Michener functionality also based on Java, our mobile phones also based on Java ( android) every ware we are using Java those are different from each other but we are commonly using Java code those are different platform s but we are using same code right that why we call Java is platform independent ,"single code is executed in different places (means platforms )".
5th Oct 2015, 11:04 AM
Anusha Reddy Kapu
Anusha Reddy Kapu - avatar
you can put your class file any java supported platform and get your result as same as other
22nd Jun 2016, 4:05 PM